Lenticular Photo Frames 6x8 with 8 Inch Lines
Lenticular Photo Frames 6x8 with 8 Inch Lines
*Note* The VueThru 40 LPI 4x6 with 4 Inch Lines Lenticular Photo Frames are the same but used (named) differently with different software programs. The 40 LPI can be used for Flip, GIF, and Morph. The VueThru 60 LPI 4x6 with 4 Inch Lines Lenticular Photo Frames are the same but used (named) differently with different software programs. The 60 LPI can be used for Flip, Animation, Morph, Zoom, and 3D. The 60 LPI 6x8 with 8 Inch Lines is only used for 3D.